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Ms. Angela Becker


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Ms. Becker grew up in Crystal Lake, IL. and achieved her teacher certification in English Language Arts from Eastern Illinois University. 



“I love guiding students as they grow in knowledge, communication abilities, and critical thinking skills, especially in small groups. The humanities offer many opportunities for us to grow in our understanding of God, ourselves, others, our culture, and the world around us. My favorite part about teaching is having classroom discussions where students can voice their opinions, see new perspectives, and challenge their thinking. As a student, there were countless times when I went to class with a very shallow understanding of the material, but then my teacher or classmate said something that sparked a thought, which opened up a whole new understanding for me. Before I knew it, I had lots of ideas to share. I want to be able to give that experience to my students as well.”


One thing that excites Ms. Becker about teaching upper grades is that students are able to delve deeper into the content area, considering various layers of meaning and applying it to more areas of life. In these grades, students learn to develop opinions about the text, recognize parallels, and offer unique insights into lessons they can learn. She loves that the class can have complex discussions, help students explore interests and writing styles, think critically about various arguments, and develop well-reasoned defenses of their perspectives.



Ms. Becker was drawn to Archangels specifically because she wholeheartedly supports creating an education for students that weaves Catholic teaching into all subject areas. The primary role of education is to help students become better people who are more equipped to live holy, virtuous lives and build up the Kingdom of God on earth. Archangels Academy shares this vision of education and is working to create a flourishing community at this school intent on supporting each student in their educational and religious growth.

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